Leadershp Core Bios

The Prophetic-School Leadership Core and Administration

Keith Gerner https://audiochristian.com

AudioVisual Ministries, based in Ireland. Keith has 37 years experience in evangelism, teaching, healing and apostolic ministry. He ministers internationally and has planted several churches. Keith has authoried a book titled Obey The Vision.

Jim Paul <jim.paul@catchthefire.com>
Jim is part of Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship's (TACF) itinerant staff (e.g. one of the conference speakers for TACF) and is officially recognized by TACF as a prophet. He used to be a staff pastor/prophet at TACF, but in Febuary of 1996, he was "sent out" to become the senior pastor of their church plant (East Gate Christian Fellowship) in Hamilton. Jim continues to travel internationally for TACF, speaking at conferences and ministering both renewal and the prophetic. Jim has authored a book titled Prophecy In Practice.

Rusty Russell https://rustyrussellsblog.com

Miracle Life Ministries. Rusty is an ordained minister who has been in apostolic/prophetic leadership for 29 years, pastoring and overseeing other Churches around the world. Rusty began traveling in his ministry full time in 1981 with his wife Mildred after pioneering churches and pastoring for 8 years. They minister nationally and internationally. Their main ministry is prophecy and evangelism, and it is marked by miraculous healings, deliverances, and the prophetic. Rusty is committed to raising up all believers to walk in God's miraculous power and healing anointing as per Mark 16:17-18.

Teresa Seputis godspeak.org

GodSpeak International. Teresa is an ordained minister, active in leadership in her Church. She heads GodSpeak International, and oversees several internet ministries including the prophetic-school list. Teresa also does itinerant teaching, renewal and prophetic minsitry. She is involved in missions, traveling overseas about one month per year. Teresa has authored a book titled How To Hear The Voice Of God In A Noisy World. At present Teresa is currently not active in public ministry.

Steve Witt https://stevewitt.com

Prophetic/Renewal Itinerant Teacher/Minister. Steve is part of TACF's Itinerant team and is highly in demand interationally. Steve also writes a column on the prophetic for Spread The Fire, a bimonthly magazine published by TACF. Because of Steve's intensive travel schedule, he serves more as an advisor to the core and is less involved in the day to day leadership of the prophetic-school list.

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