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Date: Sep 5, 2007

This word is submitted by Musa Opiyo [musaopiyo@yahoo.com]


                   Consuming Love

My love is a consuming love. Do you not know that My heart is ravished
for you? Have I not said that nothing can separate you from My Love?
Why then do you draw back and hide away? Has not your enemy, the devil,
come before you and given you a full account of your sins and
shortcomings? Is this why you back away? I will say again My love is a
consuming love. Like the gravitational pull that I put on the celestial
bodies that I created, My love will continue to pull you towards Me. You
cannot hide from Me forever. Take your cue from Jonah. I will not allow
you to go very far. For even David acknowledged, that if he made his bed
in Sheol, I would be there (Psalm 139:8).

Would you argue with My love? Is there anything that stands up to the
cross? What are your reasons? Some of you have come before Me in pride
and said "Lord, You don't know what I have done" or "Lord, mine is a
special case." Am I One Who is blind? Are you a special case that is
somehow out of My knowledge and out of the boundaries of My grace?

Come, let us reason together. I said through Isaiah that though your sins
be red as scarlet, they will be as white as snow (Isaiah 1:18). I am
passionate about you. My love is all consuming. I speak even to those who
think that they are getting away with their sins unnoticed.

I say to you that My love is consuming and I will take drastic measures
to draw you back. You have no excuse. I do not wink at sin. I do not
condemn you either, for My love is such that I will convict your heart to 
draw you back and set your heart ablaze for Me once again. I am hungry for
your attention and your affection. Cast aside those things that would
take My place, for the intensity of My love is such that it will consume
all else until all that is left in your focus and line of vision is Me.

The time to come is now, My precious beloved, for My love is all consuming.